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Elite Competition Team Orientation Packet & Agreement 2023-2024

Elements Dance Space is a universal blank canvas for all artists, educators, and students, providing limitless opportunities for creation, knowledge, and training to inspire the advancement of every individual within the space.

Congratulations and welcome to the EDS Elite Dance Competition Team!  You have been accepted into the studio’s most intensive training program.  Strong technique, mentality, execution, and a great work ethic are the keys to making a great dancer.  True progress is made when the Dancers look at each class, rehearsal, and performance as an opportunity to become better at what they love to do. 



Dancers must enroll and remain enrolled in their assigned classes throughout the entire season beginning August 23, 2023 through Nationals at the end of June 2024.  It is imperative to their training, as well as to the team’s training, that the Dancers attend all classes, competitions, and events consistently.  Your specific schedule was available at the front desk on 8/10. The Dancers will automatically be enrolled in their classes once you complete your signed contract so you do not need to see the front desk for enrollment.  If you wish to enroll in additional classes, such as Tap, Contemporary or Breaking, please email Ms. Tu so she can add it to your schedule and adjust your tuition.  Please ensure you are set up on both programs for the studio: Jackrabbit and MindBody.

Jackrabbit - tuition, competition fees, etc
MindBody - private lessons

In the event that your schedule does not “work” and you must adjust your technique classes, please note that you cannot enroll in a higher level technique class to substitute it. If no other classes fit into your schedule, you will need to schedule a weekly technique private lesson in place of the missed class. Choreography classes cannot be adjusted or moved.  Any schedule change request must be done by Friday, August 18.

Any future schedule changes MUST be approved by the Directors. No exceptions.

Class Supplies
Ms. Tu will send you a list of class supplies that will be helpful for your Dancer : mat, yoga block, bands, etc We have some equipment here at the studio but it is best to purchase your Dancer on their own for sanitary reasons. They can also use this equipment at home for additional training.  In the email, it wil list what will be used for what class so they know when to bring it accordingly. 


All classes are Elite only.  That means no other Dancers from the studio may enroll and it is not public on our website.  We may give a few exceptions to Studio Dancers who are at the same level of Elite to technique classes only with the approval of the Directors. Routines have been assigned numbers, such as E3 or PS4. The numbers are for administrative and scheduling purposes.  It is not a team name. It will later turn into routine names. 

Dancers have been selected for additional choreography (duos, trios, solos) based on technique, ability, artistic aesthetic, and attitude.  Additional choreography is earned. You will be notified as early as today and throughout September of what they have been selected for.  Directors will approach the Parents first to get approval.

All additional choreography must be confirmed by September 2, 2023 via email to Miss Tu.

Class Etiquette

It is imperative that the Elite Dancers arrive to every class prepared.  This means they:

o    Arrive to class on time (meaning: arriving 10  minutes BEFORE their class begins, ready for class warming up in the hallway)

  • In the event that a dancer is more than 15 minutes late to class unexcused, he/she may or may not be allowed into rehearsal. Please call the studio at 626-817-9988 to notify the Instructor. Dancers will know the protocol to enter the class if they are late.

o    Are dressed appropriately, have the appropriate shoes, and have the correct hair (see guidelines)

o    Are not being disruptive in the hallways. 


Attendance Policy

o    In the event that a student must miss class, the Directors needs notice sent via email.  Mentioning it in passing is not acceptable.  Dancers must make-up all classes. Classes will not be “credited”. Tuition remains the same every month for the remainder of the contract.  

  • For all absences,  please email

  • Dancers should also personally communicate with instructors/choreographers to remind them of upcoming absences.

o    For last minute emergencies, you must CALL the studio at 626-817-9988  to alert us that your dancer will not be attending class that day. 

  •  Excessive absences (even with make-up classes), even when excused, will not be tolerated.  It is imperative for the Dancers to train TOGETHER as a team, and for each dancer to train consistently as an individual.  Dancers may lose the opportunity to perform or compete due to excessive absences.


Parent involvement is crucial in having a successful team. These are the ways information will be given:

o    E-mailed out to parents

o    Phone tree / Communication app (DISCORD)

We are always open to constructive feedback from Parents.  We want to continually grow the studio and the team.  We do, however, ask that you trust in the Director, the choreographers, and the staff.  Please respect our decisions when it comes to leveling, costuming, additional choreography, etc.  If you do have questions or concerns, we have an open-door policy, so please contact the Directors to set up a meeting.  Do not wait until it becomes a larger issue.  We want to help as soon as possible.


Dancers will be expected to attend the following events. All performances and competitions (including Nationals) are mandatory and any potential absences must be brought to the Directors attention immediately. If you are unable to compete at any competitions for any reason, your placement in group routines will need to be revisited. 

Dancer Contract Meeting

Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30pm  will be a special contract meeting/intensive/mixer for the Dancers.  We go through some of the rules and expectations we have of them as Elite so they are responsible for their behavior and training.  This is also the first time for all of the Dancers to get to know each other before they start dancing and rehearsing together. We will have a taco social party after for everyone! Donate $5 per person via venmo @elementsdancespace :) 

Boot Camp
We will kick off the season with a boot camp for all of our Dancers. It is mandatory to attend the pre-training before routines are learned, etc. Please see the schedule in the Parent Folder Google Drive. Fees are due on 8/23 at the front desk. 

Choreo Block Schedule for Group Routines
We have scheduled rehearsals for the group routines that your Dancer has been assigned to starting at Boot Camp and will continue through November. Some are scheduled during the week and some are scheduled on the weekend. We do not have scheduled rehearsals during the week for SOME routines but will find time to rehearse them as needed. There may be times where we call additional rehearsals during the season if needed. Please see the Choreo Block schedule in the Parent Folder Google Drive.


Convention is an amazing learning experience for our Dancers.  It is a weekend full of master classes from some of the most talented teachers/Dancers in the dance industry. Convention is mandatory in order to compete.  Dancers attend from all over Southern California.  See Calendar of Events for details. If you would like to attend more conventions during the year that do not conflict with our schedule, please let the Director know.

When we attend conventions/competitions, please note there is a limit on how many routines we are allowed to enter due to time constraints. We will notify you on which routines will be competing prior to fees being due. 

Regional Competitions

We will attend regional competitions from January through May.  Please reserve the full weekend, Thursday/Friday afternoon through Sunday night as we don’t receive the exact schedule until the week prior to the competition.  Please email spring weekend conflicts now or as soon as you are aware.  Please do not ask if the schedule has been released. Once the schedule is  released, we will notify you via email.

National Competition

We will attend 1 National competition in the month of June/ July. This will conclude the competition season. 

Workshops/Master Classes

We will offer Workshops and Master Classes during the season that the Dancers must attend. Dates are TBA.  Tuition is NOT included in the Dancers monthly breakdown.

Community Performances

Selected dances will be expected to attend community performances between January-July.  These performances will be chosen once choreography has been started so we can select appropriate pieces for each community show.

Revue / Encore

Dancers will perform in our EDS Showcases Revue and Encore.  Revue is a studio wide showcase, while Encore is for Elite only.  They will perform some of their competition routines. More information to come.


We believe all dancers need to have a growth mindset to ensure success in the process. There will be good dance days, and there will be challenging dance days. Dancers need to learn the discipline of what it takes to do the things that they do not enjoy but know it is needed in their training.

Proper nutrition is important for your Dancer’s body. We do not expect all of our Dancers to be a certain size or shape, however, we do recommend all dancers have a balanced nutrition plan in order for their bodies to be physically strong.

Kindness, respect, empathy, grace. All of these attributes go a long way. We encourage all of our Dancers to embrace these qualities as it will guide them in their dance journey. 


Aside from being a major time commitment, becoming a part of EDS Elite is also a major financial commitment.  We understand that, and we don’t want money to stand in the way of any of our talented Dancers.  With that being said, we created the parent run Booster Club.  All families are members of the booster club; however participation in the fundraisers is an option, but highly recommended. This is the seed money for things that benefit all members of the team, such as props, etc.





Any color leotard, preferably black

Skin tone or Pink Tights

No jewelry

Pink split-sole ballet slippers – see website for style #


Lavender leotard

Skin tone or Pink Tights

No jewelry

Pink split-sole ballet slippers – see website for style #


Form fitting white t-shirt

Black shorts that come above the knee

Black ballet shoes

No jewelry


Form fitting clothing for all dancers

Preferable for females : Leotard or Sports Bra / Jazz Shorts or Leggings, preferably black in color

No sweats, no t-shirts, no jewelry

Tan jazz shoes or half shoes – see website for style # 


Basketball shorts /sweatpants / leggings / T Shirt

Tennis Shoes. Please do not wear any dance shoes, including tennis shoes used for Hip Hop/Production outside.

Production – all black attire


Form fitting clothing for all dancers

Preferable for females : Leotard or Sports Bra / Jazz Shorts or Leggings, preferably black in color

No jewelry

Skirts are optional

All dancers will start taking classes with jazz shoes. After a few weeks, once dancers are more comfortable with body movement, Ms. Tu will email Parents links to purchase correct ballroom shoes.  In the event that you already have ballroom shoes, please bring them to class to get approval from the instructor to wear them. Dancers must “graduate” to ballroom shoes.


Form fitting clothing for all dancers; preferable for females : Jazz Shorts or Leggings

No jewelry

Black tap shoes – Capezio  “Fluid” Lace-up Tap Shoes in Black, Style #CG17C


Ballet: Hair and bangs should be pulled back in a secure and neat bun. It is unacceptable for hair to continuously fall out during class.  

Jazz/Pilates/Stretch Strength/DPT/Tap/Ballroom: Hair and bangs should be pulled back into a neat ponytail or bun, unless otherwise specified by the teacher/choreographer. Depending on how thick your hair is, 2-4 thick rubber bands MUST be worn.

Hip Hop:  Hair must be pulled out of your face. Hair may only be worn down if he/she/they understand how to “work” their hair. In the event that the hair is a distraction, the instructor may ask the student to pull it back.


Dancers MUST always portray a professional image. Make-up, hair and costumes are always the first impression. There are two looks for the Dancers.  The community performance look is a lighter look. The setting is usually less formal and there are no stage lights so the Dancers can wear a lighter amount of make-up. When at competitions the Dancers are under heavy lights and will need a stronger, darker look for their faces to be seen on stage (some community performances may require heavy make-up and will be specified).  We will have a hair and make-up tutorial for new members before the first competition.  The date will be announced later in the season.


Being on the Elite Team includes many additional “perks” offered here at EDS:

  • access to kitchen use

  • early access on EDS apparel

  • sports therapy priority appointments

  • photoshoot & digital headshots

  • seminars

  • library/homework area

  • access to any available studios during operating hours to rehearse/go through choreography



  • Dancers will be billed on our automatic payment plan for all fees.  Your monthly tuition will be automatically debited from your credit card on file on the last day of the month for the following month. All fees not included in monthly tuition must be paid in full and on time.  If a payment is going to be late, please arrange it with the Director ahead of time.  We can set up a payment plan and set it on future autopay.

  • All private lessons will be charged to the card on file every Thursday  from the prior week unless specific arrangements are made. Solo, duo, and trio choreography fees and costume deposits will be charged automatically with their first private lesson.

  • For any additional payments due, you can be added to our  list of automated payments. This gives EDS permission to charge your card on file on fee due dates. (Competition Fees, Costume Payments, Event Payments, etc.)

    Any declined credit card transactions will be charged a $15 fee. 


  1. Excellent attendance is required in all classes.   All classes will be assigned, unless you want to take additional classes not required by Elite.  By arriving early/on time you are showing respect to others, yourself, and the financial commitment spent on your training.  If you will not be participating in certain events, we will revisit your group routine assignment. 

  2. Absences for weekly classes must be e-mailed to . Dancers should also personally communicate with their Instructors/Choreographers. Earlier notice is always better.  Please do not wait till the last minute to tell us of your absence. Absences due to illness or injury must be called into the front desk as soon as they prevent a dancer from coming to class or rehearsal. Make-up classes for injuries or illness will be granted an extension, per discussion with the Director. Monthly tuition remains the same. We will not adjust tuition.

  3. If you and your child make the commitment now to compete and train with EDS Elite, we need you to honor that commitment. Keeping him/her/them  from a rehearsal or performance as a disciplinary device is unfair to the rest of the team and may lead to dismissal from the team.  This hurts the other members of the group and places your dancer in an embarrassing situation and gives the wrong message about the acceptance of responsibility.

  4. Appropriate attire and shoes are required for each dance rehearsal/class. If you do not comply, you will be dismissed from rehearsal/class for that day.  Keep all shoes in your dance bag at all times.

  5. All competition times will be announced as soon as the Director knows.  Announcements are usually one week prior to the competition; therefore, you must reserve the entire weekend until times are released.  Each competition is required.  Dropping out of a competition could lead to dismissal from the team and/or routine assignment.  However, Director’s discretion will be allowed in special circumstances (i.e. illness, injury, family emergency).

  6. Dancers are expected to practice at home on a regular basis to retain their choreography.  Rehearsals are not the time to reteach.  

  7. ACADEMICS - If a dancer’s GPA has fallen lower than the standard that their parent holds of them, the Director will have the dancer placed on Academic Probation. If the dancer does not pull their grades up, they risk being removed from upcoming performances, competitions, or as a last resort- being removed from the team.


  1. Dancers and parents must both learn to always be prepared.  All information regarding scheduling, performances, and competitions will be posted and emailed in a timely manner. It is imperative that this information is read and understood.  Questions regarding the information should be directed to the competition Director, but will not be answered if the information has been clearly stated already.

    1. Gossip will not be tolerated among Team Parents or Dancers.  Parents are expected to support all Directors/Instructors decisions.  Please do not question Instructor choices in front of your Dancers.  Please speak with the Director and Instructor first.  There may be a miscommunication and questioning the Instructor in front of your Dancer will cause them to not trust their authority in the class/rehearsal.

    2. Each Dancer must be responsible for his/her/their commitment to the competition group. Competition Dancers must be willing to work hard, practice daily and most importantly, they must have excellent behavior during rehearsal and class.  Poor conduct by any dancer will lead to dismissal from rehearsal and/or dismissal from the group.  Poor behavior, attendance, effort, or level of performance could lead to dismissal from the group.  If this should happen, no financial compensation will be given for any cost of costumes, lessons, competition fees, etc.

    3. We reinforce the ideology that it is not about the award received at competition.  It is about personal growth and progress for each dancer.  Please do not place too much importance on the dancer’s ribbons/pins/trophies. 

    4. Competition Conduct – The following guidelines apply to Dancers, parents, family, or anyone attending competitions that represent Elements Dance Space.  

      1. We APPLAUD for EVERYONE! Applause should take place after every routine and during each awards ceremony. It doesn’t matter if the dance is from our studio or not, the Dancers on stage rehearse just as much as we do, and their efforts deserve attention.

      2. Etiquette: Parents and Dancers must not enter an auditorium or walk in aisles while any routine is on stage.  Please remain in your seat or outside the auditorium doors until the Dancers have finished.  It is disrespectful to the Dancers on stage as well as to the other parents in the auditorium.

      3. Noise Makers are strictly PROHIBITED at competitions. External devices are banned from most if not all competitions and place the parent at risk of being removed from the competition venue, or a loss of points for the Dancers on stage.  Please also remain quiet in the auditorium.

      4. Dancers and Parents MUST conduct themselves in a respectable manner at ALL times during studio events, competitions, rehearsals, etc. Talking about other dance studios and dance companies in a negative manner is not allowed.  You are representing Elements Dance Space so please watch your language and choice of words.

      5. Competitions do NOT allow photography or video to be taken inside the theater. There are paid professionals who will be taking pictures as well as videos for purchase at the events. Again, pulling out your camera at an event may result in points being deducted from the routine on stage. Photography and video is allowed at most informal community performances.

      6. Dancers must arrive ready before their call time. Competitions can run as much as an hour early so Dancers must come with their hair and make-up completely finished for their first routine.  They must be prepared with all costume pieces, undergarments, shoes, etc.  If a dancer is missing items, please notify the Director as soon as possible so we can come up with a solution.

      7. If you are at a competition and a routine from EDS is on stage, please watch and support your fellow Dancers.

      8. Dancers should not be left unattended at competitions. Each Dancer must have an Adult responsible for them. This does not mean that the parents of every Dancer must attend the competition, simply that any Dancer who is not old enough to drive themselves to competition must have a ride home and someone who can make sure they are fed properly throughout the day.  

      9. We focus on the importance of teamwork, as well as the progress of the individual Dancer. We want the Dancers to know that every one of them is just as important as the next.  Just because a Dancer isn’t front and center, does not mean that they are not important.  The supporting actors are just as important as the leading actors.

    At the same time, each dancer is unique.  We ask that you encourage your Dancer to be the best that he/she can be, regardless of what others may achieve.  Dance is an individual art form and each Dancer needs to achieve at a pace that’s right for them.  No two students will progress at the same rate, even if they experience the exact same training.  It’s important to encourage your Dancer to focus on themselves, give their all, and be satisfied with their own accomplishments. 


We ask that each of you has read this carefully and thoughtfully and that you fully understand your commitment of time, finances, and effort that is required in being a part of Elite at Elements Dance Space.   Please complete the following page and return it to the front desk by FRIDAY, AUGUST 18  to confirm your Dancer’s participation in the upcoming season. 

You can also call the studio at 626-817-9988. If you happen to have the Directors’ cell phone numbers, please use your discretion as to what is appropriate for calling/texting.